“We are incredibly disappointed that President Obama signed this new law even though his administration had already claimed overly broad detention authority in court,” adds Romero. “Any hope that the Obama administration would roll back the constitutional excesses of George Bush in the war on terror was extinguished today.”
Obama was elected because he portrayed himself as the Anti-War/Pro Civil Liberties candidate. He promised to close down GITMO claiming that arrests without due process etc is unconstitutional, now signs National Defense Authorization Act which puts into law this very same system of Tyranny he claimed to be against.
This Video was from 2008......
Even those who were strong supporters of Obama in the beginning can now see the dangers that he is bringing. The black community will be betrayed, and don't deny it. Obama is no friend of the African Decendants.
Those who are poor and live in the inner cities will see the effects of NDAA Indefinite Detention act, Mark my words. Heed this warning. This issue is not about race, its about Civil Liberties... PERIOD. Look into your memories about how this secret Government on the rise has treated Non Whites through history. Obama is bought and paid for by these same people. He doesn't work for Uncle Sam, he is an UNCLE TOM.
The systems of command and control/divide and conquer have spent many years practicing and perfecting their malevolent occult alchemy on non whites, and now they have mastered their techniques and developed advanced technologies to aid in their quest for complete spectrum domination. Now they have reached this point they are at the "Endgame" phase which is to spread this system to the rest of the poor and middle class including Caucasion. So none of us are safe, and we MUST not be decieved by the media inciting of racism. As I said this is not about race, because black, white, yellow, red, or brown no one is safe from this any more.
Our only chance is to come together and unite, and quit wasting our momentum and energy bickering about the trivial minutae of small details of the back story. As we argue amongst eachother about, its the Masons, its the Vatican, its the Zionosts, its this group, its that group we become divided against eachother and THEY keep having their way with us. We all have the same needs, EVERYONE. We need to embrace what we have in common, and not let our slight differences in perception of certain issues be the reason we lose the fight to defend Liberty.
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