


I created this site as a tool to help new truth seekers find the information they are looking for. I will no longer post new content here. The information on this site should still be relevant in the years to come. Even though I have not posted anything new for 2 years, the # of views keeps increasing. As new events happen (false flags, propaganda, corruption) many new views keep tallying up, as many of the old posts on here are completely relevant. Even my write up about the whole 2012 phenomenon still seems accurate to me. ;) Read it and see. Anyways, Thank You to everyone's support over the years. I hope this site will remain here for many years to serve as a reminder from older times to newer times, about certain events that unfolded that lead to any form of regression by Authorities towards any type of Dictatorship. If you would like to connect with me I can be found on Tsu.co. Invites can be accepted on the following URL ---> https://www.tsu.co/Marcamis




None of the material and articles that I personally have written are copy righted. If you find any of my material resonates with you and feel it conveys a message of positive change that you would like to share with your community/nation, then you have my permission to do so. You may translate it into your own language, read them at public events, or print and distribute them.
All I ask is that it is not done for monetary gain, and please post a link or a referral to this website or the Facebook edition.
All other links and information posted are the intellectual properties of their authors.


The power of Ideas....

Let us all combine our efforts by posting our ideas on how to spread the word. We all know that we are bombarded with globalist propaganda everyday. Many people still don't realize that they are being spoonfed lie, upon lie, in order to keep their minds from being clear enough to see and appreciate the truth.False flag-ops and the medias mega-focus on terrorism and negativity leaves people feeling lost, and confused inside. Not sure what is true and what is false, the fearful masses flock to their leader, who organized the false flag event, believing that they are our saviours, when in reality, they are our opressors. We could arrange days when we all forward and spread info to everyone we know at once. Anyone with access to printing presses, can print flyers, and distribute them around your town. Or we can arrange to meet in our nations/state/provincial capaitals to protest. We can do these things, and get it on video, and post it on facebook/youtube, whatever.

Let us have our own, "remember, remember, the 5th of November," non-viloent of course.If you work for a t.v station, get it on the air. If you work for the radio, say it live. If you are a musician, tell the truth in song. Artists can say the truth with their work. If you are a university student, start a campus think-tank. Banners can be placed on overpasses, someone with a megaphone can bullhorn parliament, or congress.

The poor and homeless must be warned about the coming cashless society. When this comes, they will never again have money, or be able to buy or purchase goods, being wiped out in the name of Elitist Eugenics.

Get out on the streets and talk to buskers,homeless people, and those who exist outside the system, and warn them. These people are important to the revolution. It could be someone on the streets who has the spark within to start the righteous revolution.

Anyone in film school? Anyone want to produce a documentary or movie revealing the globalist plan? How about bands who want to spread the message of truth?Ideas are priceless and are the root of all progress and innovation. Lets come together and get things rolling in the right direction.

Do we have any psycologists here who see and recognise the media’s mass-psycological warfare? Got an idea for a meta-meme to help people out of their media induced trance? Anyone with ideas please join “Crush The New World Order!!! on Facebook,” and post your ideas there. With enough ideas we can create an organised, international event. Together we are unstoppable. My prayers and my love are with you all.Divide and Conquer is their tactic, Unity is ours.Looking forward to hearing your ideas. -Marc Delisle”.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What In The World Are They Spraying?

Keep your eyes on the skies. When a trail left behind a flying plane dissipates within a few minutes it is a regular Con-Trail, but if it lingers in the sky and grows into clouds you are probably looking at Chem-Trails.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

College Conspiracy (Full Film)

 The system is designed to make us dependent upon it. It programs us to believe that a human cannot succeed unless they go to college/university, and a person must think the way they are taught from these institutions, or else go no where in life. Crippling student loan debts and no guarantee of getting a job in the field studied makes it a great risk these days.
 Institutional school systems have three purposes:
#1- To create mindless soldier types.
#2- To create scientists to work for the military industrial complex.
#3- To destroy the spirit of those who do not fit into those categories.
 As the prices of tuition increases it results in an ever widening gap between the wealthy and powerful, and the poor and down-trodden.
If tuition prices keep inflating then only those who have wealth to begin with can get the "illusionary" advantage and the poor get poorer, the middle class get wiped out, and the power elite devour EVERYTHING.
I want to tell all of you out there that degrees are just pieces of paper as worthless as the fiat money that is eroding our cultures around the world. What has value is YOUR ability to think for yourself, and your passion and desire to pursue whatever skill or knowledge you seek in life. All the knowledge in the universe is within us, and is revealed to our consciousness through our interactions with our environments, and the pursuit of our liberties. Especially in this information age.
-Marc Delisle-

Monday, October 3, 2011


This documentary contains important information and knowledge about how to achieve TRUE Sovereignty and Independence.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by yours truly.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Ten years ago today the world witnessed the most significant catalyzing event ever perpetuated in history. The events of 9/11, 2001 are far too important to ignore the many solid facts that are blacked out by the bought and paid for mainstream media. Too much of the information has been censored, and too many people who know something, or have provided any evidence to the contrary have mysteriously died.
Even many of the First Responders who risked their lives to help the victims of the attacks ended up on the terror watch and/or No Fly List simply because they either, (A)- Reported witnessing and hearing  events contrary to the 9/11 Commission report such as  explosions  in the basement.
(B)- Became ill as a result of toxic exposure in the dust from ground zero and were ignored by the Government.

Today, on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 the first responders who heroically faced the gravest dangers to help their fellow man and woman without thought of their own safety were not invited  to the 10th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony.

Then there’s building 7. It fell at free-fall speed and no plane even hit it.

WTC 7: The Smoking Gun
9/11: Controlled Demolition Comparison http://www.youtube.com/wat
BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell
Larry Silverstein admits to demolition... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSI-G-wN_Ko
9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown:


On September 10/2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars went missing and couldn't be accounted for.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQZmbxhPl2A&feature=share
On September 11/2001 the Pentagon Department that would have had some of the accounting information was hit.
Oddly coincidental isn't it? Too coincidental. Well....it most likely isn't a coincidence.  

We cannot also forget those in positions of power that lied to and deceived the people. Using fear as a means to making the populace more subservient to the empire building agenda that has been in the making for many years. We must not forget the written documents that spoke of a catalyzing event such as 9/11 as a pretext to invade other people and Nations. “Project For The New American Century.”  

And as well those who carry on the official lie…

Ever since 9/11, western society has been steadily degrading into a fascist police state, the very thing that the bogus war on terror was sworn to defend against. The police state measures went from fear mongering about Islamic extremists, to cracking down on general civil liberties at home in general. The average citizen is now treated as a suspect and the seeds of distrust as well as “Divide and Conquer” are now evident. Was this the intended result of the War on Terror?

How about all the Credible scholars and intellectuals who are trying to open a new investigation where the research isn’t censored.

AE911Truth Experts Speak Out
Professor Steven Jones…

What about the wars based on false information that arose from the “Controlled Chaos” that was jammed down everyone’s throat…
Fake Bin Laden Video’s at politically expedient times…

The point is that there are too many holes in the official story, and we are losing everything that is great about our society. We are losing ALL of our freedom.  As Jesse Ventura says, “I would rather take my chances with terrorism than to lose my freedom.”

When people lie they create a false reality around themselves. The more you lie, the more energy you must waste remembering the lie. As life goes on, if you cling to the lie you must let go of your true self to maintain the illusion. The illusion is your self made prison. 
Truth=Freedom Lies=Enslavement. This can apply to individuals, groups, Nations, etc.

May the Truth bring real healing and closure to the victims and family members of 9/11.  Our love, support and prayers are with them always.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fully Automated Military Spy Machines Are Here.


Machines created to combat and spy on ALL OF US!!! This is a complete breach of personal Liberties and surpasses even that which George Orwell predicted in his book,"1984". If they controlled how we communicate on the internet as well that would give them complete control of Free Speech everywhere. Oh wait..........

The Surveillance Grid Tightens It's Grip

Pentagon and Homeland Security put in place further restrictions on free speech and our ability to freely communicate via internet. Sliding faster and faster.........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Take A Moment To Reflect...

The world of Man is full of deception, violence, stress, poverty and other things that are detrimental to the minds, bodies, and spirits of people. The attainment of knowledge and understanding is important to our evolution as a species. However, the truth can also drive a person crazy. Recollect yourself and find your peaceful core with the help of earth's tranquil beauty.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mobile Surveillance Units

I have been spotting these all over the town I live in. (Hinton, Alberta, Canada.) 
LIVE VIDEO REMOTE MONITORING. Take note of the cameras on the top of the trailer on the right.
Has anyone else been seeing these around their communities? Has anyone got any information or insight about these?

Saturday, May 28, 2011


  Press For Truth has made this great documentary exposing true blue Tyranny at the Toronto G20 meetings of 2010.  This shows how the police had absolute disregard for, and were abusing the rights of citizens. Also the connection between the violent "Black Block" Anarchists and the Police and Feds are brought to light.

WARNING: Some graphic material in this film.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Visit By The Grand Inquisitor Himself On The Eve Of An Election Call (from Marc Emery's Prison Blog)

(CLICK ON THE TITLE TO READ HIS BLOG ARTICLE) Below are my comments about it...
 This is from Canadian....scratch that, World-Wide champion of truth and Liberty Marc Emery's prison blog. He wrote this shortly before being transferred to yet another prison. I suppose they keep transferring him to keep large numbers of people from figuring out where he is incarcerated at and gathering and rallying at the Gulags he is held at.

 This is probably Marc' Emery's best written work yet. It is an impassioned look into the oppressors mindset through the ages and correlates this tyranny with today's struggles. Struggles in which he is in the middle of.

 I have been watching the stats of this blog since I created it and am pleased with the diverse cultures and nations that view it's contents. May the story of Marc Emery be spread far and wide, for he is truly a revolutionary and a visionary. What makes him great is that is revolution is peaceful and puts people BEFORE profits.

 This blog has readers from Canada, America, Australia, U.K, Brazil, Israel, Pakistan, Moldova, Denmark, Netherlands,  Russia, China, and many other countries. Each day it's readership grows. Among all the things I blog about, all the world events that I try to make people aware of, this I feel is the most important.  I am asking everyone who visits this blog to share this information with your friends and families, wherever in the world you are from.

 The imprisonment of Marc Emery is far more important than just about legalization of Marijuana, it is about  the ability of nations, and individuals to be sovereign and to govern themselves. This is why he is imprisoned and the hundreds of other Cannabis seed sellers around the world are not. (Read my article entitled Marc Emery: America's Newest Political Prisoner for more insight.)
We must stand behind him, and support him.
We can do this!!! We are the power. Its up to us to bring about positive change.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let's Save Canada!

Paul Hellyer the founder of Canadian Action Party speaks about the NAU, Trilateral Commision, C.F.R, Bilderberg Group and the overall globalist agenda. He is a pioneer for all who care about National Sovereignty. Brilliant.

Queen Dissolves Canadian Parliament For Third Time In 3 years

Canadian Prime Minister Harper To Create Government-Run Media Centre

This should be called the "Ministry Of Propaganda."
 In this unprecedented act of tyranny by the Harper Government, they are in the process of creating media control, or this can also be called collective thought programming. Only in the worst kinds of authoritarian control style Governments do they control which journalists asks questions.  Only the Government can film press releases, and they pick and choose who gets the information?! This is a direct violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms.
 It shames me that more Canadians are not alarmed by this monumental disaster in the making. Since Harper  got into power, Canada has experienced great loss of civil liberties, in HARMony with the corrupt American Government's actions as well. There is no longer whistle blower protection. This means that if you know of some corruption in high places and expose it, you will have no protection. That is a serious red flag people. Why would this be happening? Only those with guilty consciences would want this to happen. Biometric scanning at borders, scanners at airports, invasive security at bus stations, and now the press cannot be free to research the actions of its own Government. This is VERY SERIOUS people. Wake up, please. I am telling you as a fellow human being, as a person who actually cares about you, and loves you. We simply cannot ignore this anymore. You love this country, and what it stands for, yet you allow these criminals that you elected to dismantle the very essence of what you love about it. Don't you see the hypocrisy and the irony?!  I am begging you to open your mind and look at history. Think of other nations who allowed their Government to control media, who put security BEFORE civil liberties. What happens every time?  Think about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and countless others who were more concerned with maintaining their own power than preserving the rights of their own people. We are now on the downward slide on that slippery slope.
 All this is to help further the stealth actions of both Governments that are destroying the sovereignty of both nations and selling us out to globalist interests. This is the North American Union in the making, which is a major step towards the New World Order!!  This is HIGH treason and Harper just basically said "yeah I broke the law and no one cares." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WfBaFrRF9w
 WTF is going on. I am hardly seeing anyone speaking out about this. I just don't want to see any of you be conned out of your properties, pensions, and your ability to think freely, and express yourself without fear of reprisal.
We have a choice to make. Freedom, or Slavery. It is that simple.
Will we just vote for more of the same bullshit on this coming federal election, or are we going to demand dignity and respect. And the Liberal opposition is no better. Shall we vote for the Conservative method of destroying Canada, or the Liberal method?  Canadian Action Party are the only ones that address these issues. It is unfortunate that the controlled media never ever speaks about them though, so I see my fellow countrymen don't even know they exist.
 All we need to do is stand in unison and say NO!! We will not participate in the destruction of our country. NO!! we will not allow this to happen. Will we say "We know you are lying, and we know that sovereignty is the MOST important thing." No authority can have any power unless we empower them. We are the workers who build this country. We are the military, we are the trades people, we are the maintainers, we are the police, we are everything. We are the true power. The only reason it seems they control us is because the majority of us BELIEVE it to be this way. Shake free of the thought control and recognize your true worth. Awaken to the fact that you are the real power. Not THEM.
Time is almost up for us. Will we just blindly trust them to make our decisions for us. Will we hand over our livelihoods to them.
This is it folks. We are at the precipice. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
 "Let our ideas and innovations flow free like a river into the ocean of our true potentials."

Friday, March 25, 2011

Canadian Action Party

This may be a small political party, but it is the only one I know of in Canada that truly has our sovereignty in mind. They are feverishly trying to protect the civil liberties of the citizens, bring sensible monetary reform, and they oppose the North American Union (which would destroy the sovereignty of Canada, U.S.A, and Mexico) which is a major step towards the New World Order.
 Don't believe those who would say it is a wasted vote that wouldn't make a difference. Voting for the same corporate lap-dogs will only bring more of the same diminishment of our great nation.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just Keep Going, You Got Nothing To Lose

A new video by the founder and creator of We Are Change, Luke Rudkowski. This video takes on a whole new style compared to the other videos of We Are Change. It is a more passionate and intimate look at the lives of people.  He said in the video that even though there are so many people in this city, it feels lonely, and  no one talks to one another. So he just started talking to strangers and asking them deep questions.
I really enjoyed this and hope you all do too!!!

Canadian Swan Song: By Dee Nicholson

This is a wonderfully written article about Canada's fight against tyranny and it's deteriorating sovereignty due to globalism. A must read for Canadians, and all others who care about personal and national sovereignty.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

High Court Rules That The Federal Reserve Must Disclose Records From Bailouts

-The high court ruled that the Federal Reserve will be required to disclose their records of bank bailouts that took place during the 2008 credit crisis.-  
  I would like to see some of their lending and money printing information going all the way back to the beginning of the FED. I wonder how many wars and dictatorships they have had a direct hand in?  This could be like a little leak in a large dam. It starts with a trickle, then as pressure builds, the trickle starts pouring. Soon the dam will burst and the truth will come out.
 Ron Paul has been speaking out about the Federal Reserve for a lot of years and thanks to his tireless efforts we have a real chance of hindering the New World Order agenda. He is the next Andrew Jackson. :)

Ron Paul's Words of Warning From 1983 to 2008

All these years he has kept an immaculate voting record, he has never cowered to corporate pressure, and stuck to his principles. A person of this integrity is so rare in the political world. One word to sum up Ron Paul's achievements...WINNING!!!
Although this is really great I would caution the citizens of America and the rest of the world to be extra vigilante in times when private central banks beginning losing their stranglehold of the economies they control. They have remained completely secretive since their inception. 
In Sept. 10th of 2001 Donald Rumsfeld had to give a press conference admitting that 2.3 trillion dollars couldn't be accounted for. Next day.....well we all know what happened. 
The section of the pentagon that may have had the information was hit on 9/11.
Lets keep a close eye on these people.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lockheed Martin Police State Advertisment

This is an ad from a copy of Scientific American Magazine I had to take a picture of. It is an ad by Lockheed Martin about the coming smart-grid electrical grid.

The Caption on the bottom left page reads....
It's one thing to make the electric grid smart. But smarter to make it both smart and secure. That's why, at Lockheed Martin,we're helping utilities modernize grid management by applying our expertise in cyber security and command and control. Lessons learned supporting our nations most critical systems. Securing our energy future is all a question of how. And it is the how that Lockheed Martin delivers.")
.... Then on the bottom right side of the ad is Lockeed Martins Luciferian logo. 
My hand is cupped over my forehead and I am just shaking my head.
 Ummm, yeah. "applying expertise in cyber security and command and control." Everything in our lives is shifting into some sort of authoritarian scientifically enhanced tyranny. Even our electricity will be controlled in the same fear based style that our societies (around the world) have been relapsing back into. Here it comes, they don't even sugar-coat it anymore, all your utilities will be controlled in a military fashion. An electrical grid that can be controlled and shut down, like how there is much talk of an internet kill switch.  "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The power to shut down a nation of serfs and peasants who may rise up and take their lives back. Puts shivers down my spine.
Foreshadowing at its finest.

Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar (2012) by:Marc Delisle

Mayan Calendar
-Personal research and insight into the phenomenon of 2012-

The Mayan calendar tracks time using 2 systems: #1-Short Count System.#2-Long Count System. Also known as the “Great Cycle.”

Here’s a break-down of how the Long Count System (Great Cycle) tracks time.
---# OF DAYS----////---Terminology-----------
1 //// KIN (day)
20 //// UINAL
360 //// TUN (approx. 1 year)
7,200 //// KATUN (approx.1 generation/20 years)

144,000 //// BAKTUN approx 20 generations/400 years
1 BAKTUN x 13 = 1 Great Cycle. This is approx. 260 generations or in the ballpark of 5,200 years.

One full long count goes through 13 Baktuns, that would be 144,000 days x 13. This is called the Great Cycle. Our current Great Cycle began at approximately Aug.11, 3114 B.C. and will end at December 21, 2012. December 21 being the Solstice or the shortest day of the year.

When the Great Cycle ends, the earth’s axis will be lined up with the milky way and other planets as well (allegedly). The earth’s axis wobbles one way and the other through out time. (which could be part of the explanation for the strange weather these days) Could it be just a coincidence that as we approach the end of the Great Cycle that the state of affairs in the world are increasingly accelerating in all areas of life. Information is booming, technology is advancing in huge leaps and bounds, the entire world can communicate instantly, etc, etc. But on the other side of the spectrum things are also accelerating, such as these innovations being used for negative purposes. So it would seem that the universal celestial convergences as depicted by the Mayan calendar are synonymous with the accelerating pace of Human civilization.

How did the Mayans understand such things when we are just beginning to grasp these concepts? I believe this knowledge far pre-dates the Mayans, and will outlast all civilizations to come.

December 12, 2012. Why is this date so important? This date, and several years before and after it represent the end of an age of humanity, and also the beginning of a new age. So we are at the end of a 5200 year age of humanity and will live to see it in our life times. This is such an exciting time to be alive!!! For thousands of years, predictions, prophecies, and even religious beliefs of the world talk about the major changes in the world to come. Most believe that this is that time in human history.

In Judeo-Christian era, it is said that man lived in a paradise earth, in the bible this was referred to as the Garden of Eden. Then the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was consumed. This brought banishment from the garden, and death. This could be a metaphor or a cryptic allegory trying to say that Mankind pursued a dark knowledge that lead to its downfall. This is known in biblical literature as “The Fall of Man.”

So the question is this… When we reach the end of this Great Cycle, will mankind fall again? Some might say so with the state of affairs the world is in. Freedom and liberty is at stake and the New World Order is on a rampage. Some might even think the New World Order is the new age to come. WRONG!!! The bible states that the new age will be very short and will fall to be replaced with the kingdom of heaven.

The very term New World Order is actually quite deceiving because it actually stems from ancient orders and mystery cults. My theory is that the current great cycle we are in has always been fear based. War, slavery, bloodshed, deceit, and every imaginable evil have been controlling factors of all nations and civilizations. The very knowledge of life is held by few and hidden from many. The New World Order should be called the Old World Order. And when they fully take control of the nations, know that they will fall shortly after. All these intense times in the world are the final desperate attempts of the oppressors to keep hidden what was our birthright from the beginning of time. “The knowledge of life.”

I do not know, for I am no prophet, but I think that the great cycle that is about to end is the cycle of fear, war, and slavery. I believe that mankind will be able to rise back up to where it fell from, back to God, or simply a spiritual and intellectual revolution. Rather than a system based on fear which creates slavery, war, and tyranny, a system based on love and compassion will rise, if we choose this path. This could usher in an age of freedom, peace, truth, justice, and cooperation.
The choice is up to each and every one of us.

We Will Soon Realize Our True Potentials

We Will Soon Realize Our True Potentials