


I created this site as a tool to help new truth seekers find the information they are looking for. I will no longer post new content here. The information on this site should still be relevant in the years to come. Even though I have not posted anything new for 2 years, the # of views keeps increasing. As new events happen (false flags, propaganda, corruption) many new views keep tallying up, as many of the old posts on here are completely relevant. Even my write up about the whole 2012 phenomenon still seems accurate to me. ;) Read it and see. Anyways, Thank You to everyone's support over the years. I hope this site will remain here for many years to serve as a reminder from older times to newer times, about certain events that unfolded that lead to any form of regression by Authorities towards any type of Dictatorship. If you would like to connect with me I can be found on Tsu.co. Invites can be accepted on the following URL ---> https://www.tsu.co/Marcamis




None of the material and articles that I personally have written are copy righted. If you find any of my material resonates with you and feel it conveys a message of positive change that you would like to share with your community/nation, then you have my permission to do so. You may translate it into your own language, read them at public events, or print and distribute them.
All I ask is that it is not done for monetary gain, and please post a link or a referral to this website or the Facebook edition.
All other links and information posted are the intellectual properties of their authors.


The power of Ideas....

Let us all combine our efforts by posting our ideas on how to spread the word. We all know that we are bombarded with globalist propaganda everyday. Many people still don't realize that they are being spoonfed lie, upon lie, in order to keep their minds from being clear enough to see and appreciate the truth.False flag-ops and the medias mega-focus on terrorism and negativity leaves people feeling lost, and confused inside. Not sure what is true and what is false, the fearful masses flock to their leader, who organized the false flag event, believing that they are our saviours, when in reality, they are our opressors. We could arrange days when we all forward and spread info to everyone we know at once. Anyone with access to printing presses, can print flyers, and distribute them around your town. Or we can arrange to meet in our nations/state/provincial capaitals to protest. We can do these things, and get it on video, and post it on facebook/youtube, whatever.

Let us have our own, "remember, remember, the 5th of November," non-viloent of course.If you work for a t.v station, get it on the air. If you work for the radio, say it live. If you are a musician, tell the truth in song. Artists can say the truth with their work. If you are a university student, start a campus think-tank. Banners can be placed on overpasses, someone with a megaphone can bullhorn parliament, or congress.

The poor and homeless must be warned about the coming cashless society. When this comes, they will never again have money, or be able to buy or purchase goods, being wiped out in the name of Elitist Eugenics.

Get out on the streets and talk to buskers,homeless people, and those who exist outside the system, and warn them. These people are important to the revolution. It could be someone on the streets who has the spark within to start the righteous revolution.

Anyone in film school? Anyone want to produce a documentary or movie revealing the globalist plan? How about bands who want to spread the message of truth?Ideas are priceless and are the root of all progress and innovation. Lets come together and get things rolling in the right direction.

Do we have any psycologists here who see and recognise the media’s mass-psycological warfare? Got an idea for a meta-meme to help people out of their media induced trance? Anyone with ideas please join “Crush The New World Order!!! on Facebook,” and post your ideas there. With enough ideas we can create an organised, international event. Together we are unstoppable. My prayers and my love are with you all.Divide and Conquer is their tactic, Unity is ours.Looking forward to hearing your ideas. -Marc Delisle”.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Marc Emery: America's Newest Political Prisoner

"The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture." -Thomas Jefferson
"The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this." -Albert Einstein, My First Impression of the U.S.A., 1921

Good quotes to shed some light on the works of Marc Emery.

Marc Emery ran a legitimate tax- paying marijuana seed selling business in Vancouver, Canada and with the money raised by his business he successfully funded many liberty based movements worldwide. Marc has shown us one of the key elements to preserving the sovereignty of ours and other nations, and to heal society economically, and spiritually. His revolution is a peaceful one, where no one has to be murdered, and corruption is not necessary. His revolution is of common sense.

The Canadian Government did not deem it worthwhile to give such harsh penalties for his marijuana seed selling business, seeing how they enjoyed the monetary benefits of the taxes Marc paid for it. However, the Canadian Government is in bed with the U.S Government and as we know, the U.S is a lot harsher about Marijuana laws. The laws based on their Drug War are tyrannical and destroy lives all the time, all while empowering criminal organizations. The Vancouver Police collaborated with the U.S DEA in the case of Marc Emery and his extradition. South of the border Uncle Sam had a different idea...
The American Government pressured the Canadian Government into allowing them to have Marc Emery extradited there for far more severe penalties than he would receive in his home country of Canada.

(here is a video from when the extradition debacle started)
Marc Emery Taken into Custody for Extradition, September 28th 2009

FREE MARC EMERY !!!!! Extradition News Coverage on Marc's Last Day of Freedom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtCUX0Zj34c

WeAreChange Vancouver talks 911 Truth with Marc "Prince of Pot "Emery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KdmOlI4M48&feature=related

Marc Emery: Who I Am, What (in his own words)

In Canada we have laws to protect people from being punished in cruel and unusual ways because of deportation. We even keep refugees who are fleeing persecution from THEIR home lands including American slaves from the Underground Railroad and American citizens fleeing corrupt and unjust wars such as Vietnam, yet we would allow one of our OWN citizens to be extradited and thrown into the lion’s den for something another country tried to corruptly and deceitfully suppress. Marc Emery is a true patriot and is a political prisoner of the U.S drug war. He is a good person who has the courage to stand up for what he knows is right and all of us in the truth movement should understand what he is trying to achieve. I would put him among the greats such as Ghandi and MLK.

Marc Emery is standing between us and tyranny trying to block it, while at the same time showing us ways we can expand our liberties. He is showing us ways for the common man to earn a living, and a great safety net to sovereignty. A nation which can always have a source of health and wealth available to the middle class and poor cannot be bought by globalist pressure. This stands in the way of the North American Union. So the reasons Marc Emery was extradited are much broader in scope than just Marijuana, he stands in the way of the complete diminishment of all basic fundamental rights. He needs our help now. http://freemarc.ca/

The DEA has kept close tabs on him, labelling him as a threat and comparing him to murderous drug cartel leaders. There is a 6000 page classified document about Marc Emery that is deemed a matter of national security. “The Marc Emery Papers” must be uncensored and we have to find the truth about The U.S government’s intent. Hopefully our brothers and sisters in America and across the world will not stand for this tyranny and join the “Free Marc” movement.

The Marc Emery Papers - Prison Potcast #9 Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S_7yijHo9I In this potcast, Marc speaks about the "Marc Emery Papers and mentions a fraction of the causes he funded and supported through the years. Some of these include:
-Global Marijuana Marches,
-Class action suit against U.S Government in Philadelphia trying to re-institute “Compassionate Use Cannabis Act”,
- I.B.O.G.A Therapy House in B.C, Canada,
-Vancouver Island Compassion Club,
-Donated “$” to get petitioning for Washington DC Marijuana Initiative,
-Arizona Marijuana Initiative,
-Colorado Marijuana Initiative,
-Alaska Marijuana Initiative,
-New Zealand Legalize Cannabis Party,
-Israeli Marijuana Party,
-BC Marijuana Party,
-Federal Marijuana Party Campaign,
-NDP Anti-Prohibition election campaign,
-Anti-Prohibition March (London, England)
-South African Campaign for Hemp Houses,
-Helped Launch U.S Marijuana Party,
-Donated “$” for observers to interview farmers in Columbia victimized by U.S drug war Aerial Spraying of “Plan Columbia.”
-Sponsored Arab-Israeli Peace Conference
-Helped get the Marijuana Policy Project off the ground.

May I remind you that this is a fraction of Marc Emery’s contributions towards liberty. He was using the money made from his Marijuana seed business to fund a peaceful revolution. We must stand behind him against this rising tyranny.

This quote sums up what Marc Emery is doing...
“An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

On May 22/10 there will be a world-wide Free Marc Rally . Start one, or join The Rally in your town. He shouldn’t be in an American prison for something that he would get a fine for at home. This sets a dangerous precedent that undermines Canadian sovereignty to American and Globalist interests. Marc Emery is bringing prosperity and independence, while the power elite want everything to fall apart so they can control us in a vulnerable state.

In February of 2008 The Canadian and American militaries signed a bi-lateral military agreement which basically amalgamated our armed forces together, all without the approval and consent of the people of Canada or America. This is a major step towards the North American Union and Global Government, and another nail in the coffins of Canada and America.

North American Army created without OK by Congress

The Final Report of the Canada-United States Bi-National Planning Group

Our nations are being incrementally consolidated right under our noses and without our express permission or even right to speak about it without ridicule. Our civil liberties are being stripped off of us to so a corporate-scientific-fascist power can rise in its place. This land belongs to all who inhabit it, and the globalists are taking it away from us. It’s time to pull it back to us before society descends into something none of us want.

We cannot stand idly by as all our champions are murdered, imprisoned or silenced any longer. Right now is the right time to change the course of the direction our futures will head.

We are the real power. The power of the universe is within us all and as long as we allow ourselves to be told how to live by cold and soulless institutions we will never be able to connect with that. We are not robots, we are not machines designed just to make a few people powerful and wealthy beyond imagination. We are meant to be the masters of our own destiny’s, let our ideas and innovations flow free like a river into the ocean of our true potentials.

Marc Emery is a shining example of one person who is doing just that, and helping him would greatly help the cause of liberty, and in-turn ourselves. Marc’s wife Jodie is working tirelessly to help Free Marc through Cannabis Culture Magazine, Activism, and a new career in politics. Let’s give her our love and support as well.

Pertinent information posted by Jodie Emery is on this link... http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/node/23579

Unite for the cause of Liberty.

Free Marc Emery!!!

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Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar (2012) by:Marc Delisle

Mayan Calendar
-Personal research and insight into the phenomenon of 2012-

The Mayan calendar tracks time using 2 systems: #1-Short Count System.#2-Long Count System. Also known as the “Great Cycle.”

Here’s a break-down of how the Long Count System (Great Cycle) tracks time.
---# OF DAYS----////---Terminology-----------
1 //// KIN (day)
20 //// UINAL
360 //// TUN (approx. 1 year)
7,200 //// KATUN (approx.1 generation/20 years)

144,000 //// BAKTUN approx 20 generations/400 years
1 BAKTUN x 13 = 1 Great Cycle. This is approx. 260 generations or in the ballpark of 5,200 years.

One full long count goes through 13 Baktuns, that would be 144,000 days x 13. This is called the Great Cycle. Our current Great Cycle began at approximately Aug.11, 3114 B.C. and will end at December 21, 2012. December 21 being the Solstice or the shortest day of the year.

When the Great Cycle ends, the earth’s axis will be lined up with the milky way and other planets as well (allegedly). The earth’s axis wobbles one way and the other through out time. (which could be part of the explanation for the strange weather these days) Could it be just a coincidence that as we approach the end of the Great Cycle that the state of affairs in the world are increasingly accelerating in all areas of life. Information is booming, technology is advancing in huge leaps and bounds, the entire world can communicate instantly, etc, etc. But on the other side of the spectrum things are also accelerating, such as these innovations being used for negative purposes. So it would seem that the universal celestial convergences as depicted by the Mayan calendar are synonymous with the accelerating pace of Human civilization.

How did the Mayans understand such things when we are just beginning to grasp these concepts? I believe this knowledge far pre-dates the Mayans, and will outlast all civilizations to come.

December 12, 2012. Why is this date so important? This date, and several years before and after it represent the end of an age of humanity, and also the beginning of a new age. So we are at the end of a 5200 year age of humanity and will live to see it in our life times. This is such an exciting time to be alive!!! For thousands of years, predictions, prophecies, and even religious beliefs of the world talk about the major changes in the world to come. Most believe that this is that time in human history.

In Judeo-Christian era, it is said that man lived in a paradise earth, in the bible this was referred to as the Garden of Eden. Then the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was consumed. This brought banishment from the garden, and death. This could be a metaphor or a cryptic allegory trying to say that Mankind pursued a dark knowledge that lead to its downfall. This is known in biblical literature as “The Fall of Man.”

So the question is this… When we reach the end of this Great Cycle, will mankind fall again? Some might say so with the state of affairs the world is in. Freedom and liberty is at stake and the New World Order is on a rampage. Some might even think the New World Order is the new age to come. WRONG!!! The bible states that the new age will be very short and will fall to be replaced with the kingdom of heaven.

The very term New World Order is actually quite deceiving because it actually stems from ancient orders and mystery cults. My theory is that the current great cycle we are in has always been fear based. War, slavery, bloodshed, deceit, and every imaginable evil have been controlling factors of all nations and civilizations. The very knowledge of life is held by few and hidden from many. The New World Order should be called the Old World Order. And when they fully take control of the nations, know that they will fall shortly after. All these intense times in the world are the final desperate attempts of the oppressors to keep hidden what was our birthright from the beginning of time. “The knowledge of life.”

I do not know, for I am no prophet, but I think that the great cycle that is about to end is the cycle of fear, war, and slavery. I believe that mankind will be able to rise back up to where it fell from, back to God, or simply a spiritual and intellectual revolution. Rather than a system based on fear which creates slavery, war, and tyranny, a system based on love and compassion will rise, if we choose this path. This could usher in an age of freedom, peace, truth, justice, and cooperation.
The choice is up to each and every one of us.

We Will Soon Realize Our True Potentials

We Will Soon Realize Our True Potentials